Fish Species

Sea Bass

Sea Bream

Rainbow Trout

Bluefin Tuna

Royal Seabass

Blacksea Anchovy

Real Dentex

Pink Dentex

Blue Spotted Seabream

Black Sea Trout



Fish Species

1. Mediterranean Sea Bass
– It is a type of sea bass usually found in the Mediterranean region.
– It is known for its delicious white meat.

2. Mediterranean Sea Bream
– It is a bream species living in the warm waters of the Mediterranean.
– It is a thin-fleshed and delicious fish.

3. Rainbow Trout
– It is a popular trout species found in freshwater ponds and rivers.
– It has scales of various colours.

4. Tuna Fish
– It is a large pelagic fish species that usually lives in the oceans.
– It is known for the dense and dark colour of its meat.

5. Rock Perch
– It is a perch species living in rocky areas.
– It has hard scales and big eyes.

6. Anchovy
– It is a small fish species found in the Black Sea and other cold seas.
– It is usually consumed fresh or salted.

7. Sinarit
– It is a fish species found in the warm waters of the Mediterranean.
– It is known for its delicious meat.

8. Trança
– It is a large and strong fish species that lives in warm seas.
– It is usually targeted for hunting.

9. Antennae Coral
– It is a colourful coral species living in coral reefs.
– It is a silent and motionless creature.

10. Black Sea Trout
– It is a trout species found in the Black Sea.
– It prefers cold waters.

11. Silver Fish
– It is a fish species usually found in the oceans.
– It has shiny silver coloured scales.

12. Carp
– It is a type of carp fish found in freshwater ponds and rivers.
– It can often reach large sizes and its meat is flavourful.

Each fish species has different characteristics in terms of nutritional value, flavour and habitat. Fish consumption is a source of protein that is generally recommended for a healthy diet. However, it is important that fish populations are managed sustainably.