Our Hatcheries are Equipped with Advanced Technologies
Turkish aquaculture sector continues to intensify and diversify by investing in development of new species and modifying its systems and practices.
Fish Hatcheries are used to cultivate and breed a large number of fish species in an enclosed environment. With the target of supplying high quality egg throughout the year and developing new species, Türkiye Aquaculture hatcheries are equipped with advanced technologies. In addition to eggs supplied from various wild catch brood stocks with the techniques of natural and photo period all year long, genetic selections of species are also practiced.
Healthily Growing Juveniles
Fish go through various juvenile stages until reaching maturity. From eggs they hatch into larvae, which in turn carry a yolk-sack which is the source of continued nutrition. When the yolk-sack is depleted the tiny fish must be capable of feeding themselves. At this point they are know as fry and pass through various stages of development until grown to market-size. This development period is known at the juvenile stage and the smaller the fry the more sensitive, intensive care is required for satisfactory growth.
One of the keys to the attractive taste of the Turkish products is the care at juvenile stage. Healthy, well-fed juveniles, result in a quality of flesh that has enabled a global acceptance of these products.
Special Feeds for Special Fish
Manufactured feeds are an important part of modern commercial aquaculture, providing the balanced nutrition needed by fish. The feeds, in the form of granules or pellets, provide the nutrition in a stable and concentrated form, enabling the fish to feed efficiently and grow to their full potential.
The special feeds used in Turkish Aquaculture sector are being produced by extruder technologies. The solubility period of the feed pellets is long enough for fish to recognize and consume the feed, thereby enabling stable nutrition.
The high up-take rate of the feed by the fish is not only nature-friendly, but by totally consuming the feeds there is no organic waste to degrade an aquatic environment. The key components of fish feed are fishmeal, fish oil, vegetable proteins, cereal grains, vitamins and minerals.
On The Spot Control
The contemporary Turkish seafood sector is giving utmost importance to hygiene and quality, for assuring quality of Turkish Seafood; physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic parameters are being checked continuously. Shelf life, flesh quality and residue analyses are rigidly controlled. All components the production; packaging and processing materials, ice used in packaging are being analyzed as a part of our standard procedures.
The value of aquatic resources are appreciated
Producers within the Turkish seafood industry are obliged to conform to quality systems that minimises environmental impacts of their activities and increases the efficiency of farming. With full compliance to EU and FDA Regulations as well. Our off-shore marine fish farming practices are one the world’s toughest legislation.